Trêve de plaisanterie, j’ai de nouveau envie d’écrire ! Pas de m’écrire, de me décrire, de parler de moi et de mon petit nombril rien qu’à moi.
J’ai envie d’écrire de la fiction ou pas, et pas forcément ici d’ailleurs.
Voilà c’est dit, ça me fait un bien fou (pas de le dire mais d’avoir envie) et ça vous fait sans doute une belle jambe.
Et si ça vous tente de faire comme moi, voici un petit site bien sympathique (il a d’autres copains sites que vous découvrirez si vous dérouler la page jusqu’en bas). J’aime beaucoup !
Vous choisissez (ou pas d’ailleurs) le sexe et l’origine ethnique de votre futur personnage, héros, héroïne, méchant ou méchante… et paf, ça vous sort son profil. Pas seulement son nom mais aussi ses peurs et ses doutes, certaines de ses caractéristiques physiques… Bref, de quoi vous amusez un moment. Surtout si vous lui associez un ou plusieurs autres personnages générés de la même façon.
Allez, je vous quitte : y’a ces deux là qui sont à deux doigts de se rencontrer !
She is a Cambodian female.
Personality: The Motivator.
ENFP: Extravert Intuitive Feeling Perceiving.
Outgoing, social, great people skills. Good at getting people to have fun. Physically affectionate. Attention seeking, loves crowds. Seductive, open, revealing, loving, empathetic, attachment prone.
Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities.
Needs to live life in accordance with their inner values. Disorganized. Prone to losing things. Irresponsible. Acts without thinking. Likely to have or want a tattoo. Rule breaker. Easily distracted. Comfortable in unfamiliar situations. Attracted to strange things and counterculture. Non-punctual. Likes to stand out. Prone to fantasy.
Easily talked into doing silly things. Spontaneous. Wild and crazy. Pleasure seeking, risk taking, thrill seeking, fun seeking. Adventurous. Hyperactive. Irrational. Likes to try new things, unconventional, energetic, impulsive, dangerous.
Psychological Disorder:
Favored Careers:
performer, actor, entertainer, songwriter, musician, filmmaker, comedian, radio broadcaster/DJ, some job related to theater/drama, poet, music journalist, work in fashion industry, singer, movie producer, playwright, bartender, comic book author, work in television, dancer, artist, record store owner, model, freelance artist, teacher (art, drama, music), writer, painter, massage therapist, costume designer, choreographer, makeup artist.
Unlikely Careers:
data analyst, scientist, researcher, financial advisor, business analyst, government employee, office manager, mathematician, investment banker, office worker, computer tech, it professional, network engineer, strategist.
Personality: The Overseer.
ESTJ: Extravert Sensing Thinking Judging.Sociable. Group oriented. Attention seeking. Outgoing. Does not like being alone.
Practical, traditional and organized. Likely to be athletic. Likes to be in charge. Capable at organizing and running activities. A good citizen who values security and peaceful living. Loyal and hard-working. Has clear visions of the way things should be. Focused. A leader, planner and finisher. Responsible. Decisive. Punctual. Hard working. Clean.
Conventional, realistic. Norm following. Respects authority. Regards rules and regulations as important. Follows the rules. Regular. Does not like weird or strange people or things. Intolerant of differences. Strict. Disciplined.
Aggressive. Assertive. Emotionally stable. Anal, stiff. Fearless and self-confidant. Content. Happy. Proper. Formal, strict with self. Meticulous. Strong sense of purpose.Psychological Disorder:
Passive-Aggressive.Favored Careers:
executive, CEO, supervisor, business consultant, manager, strategist, financial planner, business person, office manager, public relations manager, international business specialist, business analyst, management consultant, operations manager, loan officer, lawyer, marketing, sports management, government employee, investment banker.
Unlikely Careers:
poet, artist, songwriter, musician, novelist, art therapist, theatre teacher, art curator, film editor, video game designer, photo journalist, travel writer, actor, record store owner, camera operator, art historian, music teacher.